Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Time to Wine-d UP

So yes I work in the industry and yes I do sell wine. Basically I talk about wine as much as others will listen using my outrageous adjectives and descriptors. "That wine is full of rose-petal, earth, and spice." Yea, sounds like something I would say, for sure. I just wanted to introduce myself, not really to talk about me, myself, I, but to share ideas about wine. I strongly believe there is a wine or wines out there for everyone, my job is to find that right wine that you will love and be comfortable with. I do this nightly while maybe showing certain folks something new and adventurous. So yes I thought of a silly profile name to highlight one of my favorite wine regions. Let me know what you think of Chateaunuef du Pape and it's style of wine or wines. Don't forget the whites too! So let's get wine-d up, I am eager to hear what you think.


  1. I don't know a thing about Chateaunuef du Pape but
    this blog should keep me well informed. Good luck and bon Voyage ( I thought a French salutation would be appropriate)

  2. i was never really into wine, yet the way you talk with such enthusiasm & character makes me get excited every time i drink a different type. i had one the other day, the name slips me but it was white, from Aregentina & started with a Z, ended with an A... how bout you get back to me & we can buy a bottle and you can tell me about the "earthiness" or possibly the "rose~petals"?!
    Always appriciate your blogs, thanks!

  3. Rebecca
    I know there is a wine region in Argentina called the Zonda region. They could make Malbec, Chardonnay, possibly a few other wines as well. I don't know if you still have the bottle, but if you do check out if it says Zonda, then search around for Malbec, etc. I hope that is of help.

  4. Do you think people are trading down on wines due to the economic recession and if so how do you overcome that?

  5. Volume Blake, sometimes it becomes a volume game. You understand this, you work for the biggest winery in the world. What can you do in a tougher economy? Well, I guess one way is to offer your customer/guest a great value and try to move more of it. Instead of selling one case of high-end wine, you may have to sell 5-10 of less expensive juice to make the same bottom line. Either way there needs to be a balance of both. You will always have the high-end clients, just maybe fewer than before. Figure out that balance and you can still make numbers.
